Some questions arising from the Key Ideas Taste Symposium Wednesday 27 October 2010.
Education /
Q.How much do art and design students look to their tutors and lecturers as arbiters of taste in terms of what they learn in college?
Q.Should they? Or is the point of being at Art College to find one's own way and 'kick against' the system?
Tourism /
Q. Are objets d'art collected on overseas travel more discerning and genuine than those from home soil?
Sense of place /
Q. If Venice is known for Murano glass what is Britain to become known for, beyond Royal Doulton or Waterford Crystal?
The Influence of Others /
Q. Does an individual's taste change when they start a relationship, live with a partner or get married?
Q. What does online social networking mean for Taste?
Q. Are blogs such as 'Its Nice That' and 'Ffffound' genuine arbiters of taste? If so, what gives them authority?
Q. How old is the person at Franklin Mint who makes the decisions to put fluffy felines on plates and then advertise them in the Mail On Sunday Magazine Supplement?